Comprehension Test

Why test reading speed?

Do you have a clear idea of how much time you spend reading every day – at work or in your studies? In German offices, the average is at least two hours a day; in many government agencies or legal department employees often spend more than half the workday doing so.

The more time you (have to) spend reading, the more important it is for you to speed up your reading – for one simple reason: you will then benefit more from an increase in your reading speed! The time gain is noticeable even if you should only improve by a relatively small factor through speed reading techniques.

How much time can you save?

Let’s say you read for two hours a day and after your training you realize that you have only increased your reading speed by 25% – then you already gain 12 full working days per year.

And the time you gain creates new opportunities:

  • leave your desk half an hour earlier?
  • more leisure time for the personally important texts (novels, knowledge building, technical books, coaching literature)?
  • read the important texts more thoroughly?

Maybe you would like to calculate and test how much time you could save if you increased your reading speed by 40%, 50% or even 100% (especially if you read more than two hours a day) …?

If you read four hours a day, that’s a whopping 24 extra days you’ll have with just a 25% increase in reading speed. In our training, you’ll quickly discover that a 25% increase is not magic, but rather a modest goal.

Who should you test your reading speed?

For which target groups could it be particularly interesting to test their reading speed – and then increase it? Actually, we’re thinking quite modestly of virtually everyone who has to read at least half an hour a day, especially:

  • the office worker threatened by burnout, who needs relief and would like to have a better information yield;
  • students and high school seniors who need to wade through difficult science texts;
  • the manager who knows that his or her decisions will be better if (s)he incorporates information from various reports, e-mails or the Internet at a higher reading speed;
  • teachers, school authorities, ministers of education wondering how to implement the framework curriculum in the chapter on reading competence;
  • the versatile newspaper reader who desperately wants to absorb more and, above all, quickly the information that is important to him or her;
  • interested people who simply want to test and improve their reading speed – whether for work, hobby, or just to know the books others are talking about.

Non-target groups, however, also exist:

  • Beginning readers and children up to age 15 (except bookworms), who necessarily read at a fairly slow reading speed because they have to internalize the words and characters first;
  • the „5,000-words-per-minute dreamers“ who hope to gain complete knowledge from just one glance at the page.

By the way, we can’t give special help for dyslexics, but in our courses we have made the experience that they profit very much from our recommendations. Therefore, it is also worthwhile for them to test their reading speed in order to get a – perhaps smaller, but still significant – before-after result.

What’s the point in training to read faster?

The goal is not to have a competition. 

In our trainings, we regularly see how differently participants start. Everyone brings their personal starting values for reading speed and text comprehension. 

And it’s just like in sports. Not only beginners need to train. Professionals do it even more intensively. Because everyone can improve! And that’s exactly what we support you in.

So think about what it can bring you personally to be significantly more efficient in your job or studies.

Test yourself! Determine your current reading speed. It is worth it.

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And this is how the test works:

Make use of the following comprehension test to get a clear picture of your reading faculties as they are now. Read the text at your normal speed with the aim of understanding it very well, including the details.

As soon as you are ready, please click the button „TEST STARTEN“ and then start reading immediately.

When you are done with the text, click the button „ZU DEN FRAGEN“ at the bottom of the text to get to the comprehension questions.

Click on the correct answer from your point of view. At the end you will be shown how many „Richtige Antworten“ (correct answers) you had and what your „Lesegeschwindigkeit“ (reading speed) was. Based on this the system calculates your „Effective Reading Rate“, the measured value of your reading efficiency.