Our course results
Average of 40,000 course participants in Germany since 2001
Initial words per minute
Final words per minute
Initial comprehension rate
Final comprehension rate
Initial effective reading rate
Final effective reading rate
Do you know how well you read?
Make use of the following comprehension test to get a clear picture of your reading faculties as they are now. Read the text at your normal speed with the aim of understanding it very well, including the details.
As soon as you are ready, please click the button "TEST STARTEN" and then start reading immediately.
When you are done with the text, click the button "ZU DEN FRAGEN" at the bottom of the text to get to the comprehension questions.
Click on the correct answer from your point of view. At the end you will be shown how many "Richtige Antworten" (correct answers) you had and what your "Lesegeschwindigkeit" (reading speed) was. Based on this the system calculates your "Effective Reading Rate", the measured value of your reading efficiency.
Tomorrow’s Manager
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